RSA, the security division of EMC, has announced that Wachovia Corporation has deployed the RSA Adaptive Authentication offering and joined the RSA eFraudNetwork community strengthen its online banking security.

As part of its Security Plus suite of services, Wachovia has deployed behind-the-scenes protection for its online banking application, both at the front door and within the application, using RSA Adaptive Authentication for Web.

The financial services firm selected RSA’s technology as it required a product that would protect its online banking customers and their funds while incurring minimal impact upon the online user experience

Wachovia has also become a member of the RSA eFraudNetwork community, the world’s most effective collaborative online anti-fraud network, according to RSA. With more than 50 large financial institutions and a multitude of smaller ones on the network, Wachovia can benefit from immediate protection based on real-time online fraud data from financial institutions around the world.