UBS's Annual Report provides comprehensive information on the firm, its business, governance and financial performance


UBS US wealth management headquarters at Lincoln Harbor in Weehawken, New Jersey. (Credit: Arnapoli/Wikipedia.)

The Annual Report 2019 provides comprehensive and detailed information on the firm, its strategy, business, governance, financial performance and risk, treasury and capital management, as well as on the regulatory and operating environment for the financial year 2019.

UBS net profit attributable to shareholders for 2019 was USD 4.3 billion and diluted earnings per share were USD 1.14. Additionally, UBS increased its core sustainable investments1 by more than 56% to USD 488 billion, and more than doubled penetration to 13.5% of total invested assets from 5.6% in 2017, surpassing a three-year goal one year early. UBS will publish its sustainability report on 5 March.

The shareholder letter from the Chair of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors lists the key changes in the compensation framework and the chapter “Performance and compensation at a glance” shows year-on-year developments in the performance award pool.

UBS’s Annual Report 2019 includes the following sections:

Introduction includes the Letter to shareholders, key figures, UBS’s evolution including the current legal structure, and short profiles of the Board of Directors and Group Executive Board. It also explains the firm’s external reporting approach and provides an overview on our long-term value creation approach.
Our strategy, business model and environment describes UBS’s strategy, performance targets and measurement, our businesses and environment. It includes a section that explains how our business model is geared towards long-term value creation for our stakeholders, including a new sub-section with our focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. This section also outlines demographic trends in the firm’s workforce and describes how personnel are managed and developed. In addition, it discusses UBS’s standards for corporate behavior and responsibility including its overarching sustainability approach in UBS in society. Furthermore, the section contains detailed information on how we aim to improve clients’ experiences and to increase efficiency and effectiveness by utilizing technology and provides an update on regulation and supervision, regulatory and legal developments and risk factors.
Financial and operating performance focuses on the performance of UBS and each business division, as well as Corporate Center, for the past two financial years.
Risk, treasury and capital management describes UBS’s risk management framework and provides information on our treasury and capital management.
Corporate governance and compensation provides information about UBS’s governance structure and sets out the guiding principles that govern the compensation framework as well as details of the compensation of senior management and the Board of Directors.
Financial statements includes the audited consolidated financial statements of UBS Group AG for 2019, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as well as audited standalone financial statements of UBS Group AG for 2019 prepared in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations.

Source: Company Press Release