Oslo Bors, a Norway-based securities trading organization, has selected CA Technologies' AutoSys Workload Automation solution.

The solution will help Oslo Bors to improve the availability of the critical workflows and IT services the organization relies on, enhance process visibility, and simplify compliance and reporting.

CA AutoSys Workload Automation is an event-driven scheduling and automation solution for distributed computing environments. The solution provides configurable workflows and adopts a policy-driven approach, in combination with traditional job scheduling techniques to automate processes across multiple platforms.

Oslo Bors currently runs up to 3,000 jobs per day across more than 200 Windows servers.

The solution will help Oslo Bors proactively manage its batch and online workload processes through event-based IT automation capabilities. It will also enable workload prioritization, leveraging real-time alerting and dynamic critical path management. The system is expected to go live later in 2010.

Oslo Bors IT Operations and Infrastructure vice president Tommy Nygren said that CA Workload Automation solution introduces a new service-oriented generation of business processing tools for managing workloads.