Db x-trackers, the exchange traded funds platform of Deutsche Bank, has raised more than E15 billion of assets in 18 months since its launch in January 2007.

Since the launch in early 2007 db x-trackers released 86 exchange traded funds (ETFs) with 240 listings in Germany, UK, France, Italy and Switzerland. In the second half of 2008 db x-trackers will expand their business to Asia by introducing their ETFs in Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Thorsten Michalik, head of db x-trackers at Deutsche Bank, said: One interesting aspect of our growth is that we raised our assets under management by over E7.2 billion in the first six month of 2008, which makes us the clear European leader in terms of assets inflow. With our product range we are well prepared for the growing demand after tax optimized investment funds.