UK payments association APACS has launched its updated website designed to inform consumers on how to choose and use credit cards.

<p>The industry body updated the site to include the latest information on issues such as how credit is calculated and information on card protection agencies, as well as a credit card comparison tool.<br /><br />Sandra Quinn, director of communications at APACS, said: Over the past year has not only made valuable impartial advice available to many thousands of consumers but also third parties offering consumer advice.<br /><br />In fact visitor feedback has really helped us with many of the changes we are launching today and we hope this additional and updated information will ensure its useful to many more people. As an industry we are committed to improving consumers understanding of credit cards and encouraging responsible borrowing.<br /><br />The site has had 3,000 visitors a month since its launch in July last year and has more than 180 links from other websites, including the BBC and the FSA, the association said.</p>